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Scholarship opportunities are one of the advantages you do not want to miss as a Student.
While FutaNewsandGist had shared some scholarships opportunities in the past, we came across a useful compilation and decided to share with you here.
6 Available Scholarships and their Deadlines for Undergraduates
1. Kiisi scholarship for ogoni students.
Deadline : Closes July 30th
Application Link : https://www.ormngr.com/ogonischolarship
2. Hillcity Scholarship for all levels.
Deadline : Closes July 31st
Application Link : http://portal.hillcityfoundation.org/create_hcf_account
3. Agif Scholarship for levels.
Deadline : Closes August 1st
Application Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJ0YP9SSMTA4hyD7JGXPn7CFa9B1Ew8Ux2CIkJL-WphiaZyg/viewform
4.Seplat Scholarship for 200l and above.
Deadline : Closes August 1st.
Application link: http://seplatscholarship.com/apply
5. Ptdf Scholarship for 200l students (2018/2019 set).
Deadline : Closes August 13th
Application Link : https://scholarship.ptdf.gov.ng/
6. MTN scholarship for 300l students.
Deadline : Closes August 15th
Application Link : https://www.mtnonline.com/scholarships/
7. AbdulKabir Aliu Foundation for Muslim Students (Undergraduates and Graduates)
Deadline : Closes August 20th
Disclaimer : FutaNewsandGist is not affiliated to any of the scholarship body above, we only share the opportunities for students.
You can also check : Other Opportunities Posted on FutaNewsandGist so Far
To a success ✈
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