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The Developer Student Club (DSC FUTA) recently held a program called #techinspire where various topics on becoming a successful developer and designer were discussed.
DSC FUTA is a developer student club in FUTA which is aimed at equipping students with IT skills in order to solve problems.
They do these by organizing seminars - (one of them is the DSC Tech for Girls Meetup) and teach people how to code as well as using it to solve real life problems.
Below are some of the keynotes from #techinspire DSCFUTA events
1. Contribution to Open Source Projects as a developer plays a major important role
2. When you're developing or designing a project ; put yourself in your users shoes and not users in your shoes - Tweet this
3. You do not need to be the Queen of England before attaining Global recognition in today's era. Once you can do something worthwhile - Tweet this
4. Flexbox and CSS Grid are two important things a Web Designer should learn to make their work faster!
5. Artifical Intelligence can make you do 10x things faster
More keynotes can be found at their timeline with @dscfuta.
👉 If you're a FUTA Student ; You can also Join the Developer Student Club, FUTA HERE
They do these by organizing seminars - (one of them is the DSC Tech for Girls Meetup) and teach people how to code as well as using it to solve real life problems.
Below are some of the keynotes from #techinspire DSCFUTA events
1. Contribution to Open Source Projects as a developer plays a major important role
2. When you're developing or designing a project ; put yourself in your users shoes and not users in your shoes - Tweet this
3. You do not need to be the Queen of England before attaining Global recognition in today's era. Once you can do something worthwhile - Tweet this
4. Flexbox and CSS Grid are two important things a Web Designer should learn to make their work faster!
5. Artifical Intelligence can make you do 10x things faster
More keynotes can be found at their timeline with @dscfuta.
👉 If you're a FUTA Student ; You can also Join the Developer Student Club, FUTA HERE
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