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If you're preparing for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) registration, it's important to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements for a smooth process. Whether you are a married woman or a single prospective corp member (PCMs), understanding the specific documents and items needed is crucial.

This article will cover the detailed requirements for NYSC online registration, highlighting both the married women’s specific requirements and the general documents needed for all PCMs.

Requirements for NYSC Registration Online

Requirements for NYSC Registration Online

During the NYSC online registration, prospective corps members (PCMS) are divided into two categories:

  1. Foreign-trained students
  2. Home-trained students

Each category has its own specific requirements and registration procedures, so it's important to understand which one applies to you as you begin the registration process.

Requirements for NYSC Online Registration for Foreign Students

When registering for NYSC online, foreign-trained students are required to bring the following documents to a cyber café for processing:

1. International Passport  

2. Original Degree or HND Certificate (not a statement of result)  

3. Original O'Level result (obtained directly from the WAEC office)  

4. Passport-sized photographs  

5. Evaluation Letter (for those yet to be evaluated)  

6. Resident Permit for studying in the foreign country  

Ensure you have all these documents ready to avoid delays during the registration process.

Requirements for NYSC Registration Online for Nigerian Students

For Nigerian students registering for NYSC, the required items are simple:

  1. Cash or ATM card for payment
  2. A pen to jot down necessary information

Your passport-sized photograph will be taken at the cyber café during the registration process. Make sure to have everything prepared for a smooth experience.

Requirements for NYSC Online Registration for Married Women

Female married prospective corp members who wish to serve in the same state or location as their husband need to upload specific documents during the NYSC registration process. These documents help NYSC to confirm your marital status and post you to where your husband resides. The following items are required:

  1. Marriage Certificate – Official proof of your marriage.
  2. Newspaper Change of Name – A publication confirming any change in your maiden name.
  3. Husband’s ID Card – A valid identification card of your husband, such as a National ID or international passport.
  4. Utility Bill – A recent utility bill (e.g., electricity, water, or gas bill) showing your husband’s address.
  5. Husband’s Domicile Letter – A letter confirming your husband’s residence in the state you wish to serve in.

General Requirements for NYSC Online Registration (All Prospective Corp Members)

Regardless of marital status, there are general documents and items that every prospective corp member (PCM) must prepare when registering for NYSC online. Here’s a checklist to help you stay organized:

  1. Documents to be Uploaded – Ensure all required documents are scanned and ready for upload, including your academic credentials, passport photograph, and any relevant identity documents.
  2. Pen for Signature – You’ll need a pen to physically sign forms at the cyber cafe.
  3. Valid Email Account – A working email address is necessary for receiving important communication and updates from NYSC.
  4. ATM Card (Optional) – If you plan to make online payments for registration or any related fees, an ATM card may be required.
  5. Cash (5K to 8K Minimum) – Be prepared to pay the registration fee, which ranges between 5,000 to 8,000 Naira, depending on the NYSC registration fees.
  6. School Matriculation Number – Your unique matriculation number from your university or institution.
  7. JAMB Registration Number – Your registration number from the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

Conclusion: Ensuring a Smooth NYSC Registration Process

To ensure a successful and seamless NYSC registration, make sure to carefully prepare and upload all required documents. For married female PCMs, special attention should be given to the submission of your marriage certificate, husband’s details, and supporting documents. For all prospective corp members, the general items outlined above are essential to complete the registration without delays.

By following these guidelines, you can help expedite the process and increase your chances of a smooth NYSC registration.

Complete Guide to NYSC Online Registration: Requirements for Married Women and General Guidelines

 The current President of the Federal University of Technology, Akure Student Union in the person of Jesunifemi Tengen Asoore has taken to Instagram LIVE to give FUTA Students the latest updates on matters arising such as the FUTA School Fees Increment, School Results, and other issues.

Watch the full video below 

[VIDEO] - FUTASU PRESIDENT Speaks on FUTA School Fees Increment, School Results, Amongst Other Rising Matters

 Because of the ongoing problems in our educational system between the Federal Government and ASUU, universities in Nigeria have chosen to increase student tuition as a means of funding institutions and keeping the educational system functioning.

FUTA School fee increment


Your feedback on this survey and its potential impact on students is valuable, which is why we've created this survey.

We therefore implore you to check through and fill the link below:


E - signed


Chairman, School fees Review Committee 

Phone: 07032335680

Jesunifemi  TENTEN Asoore 

FUTA Students Union President

Phone: 07064544624 


All Faculty Presidents

All Department Presidents

All Indigenous Presidents

All Class Reps



This article you are about to read was written by Bankole K.T and Featured on FutaNewsandGist. 

  Read full Details below;

It is about two decades I graduated from university and ASUU has been on strike almost every year. More than 20 years before I entered university it was like that. Now, my children are entering university and experiencing the same problem. What guarantees that my grand children will not experience the same?

ASUU Impact on Education and Way Out

    When you continue to apply the same methodology to solve a problem and doesn’t yield desired results, do you continue the same or device other means? Our lecturers, I mean members of ASUU said using same method at all time will not yield different results. Why is ASUU using same methodology of partial or total strike that renders students and parents devastated for past four decades when the result is the same with no tangible response from government?

Impact of ASUU Strike and It's Effects?

  Does ASUU consider the financial, social and psychological effects of perennial strikes on students and parents? Programs of 4 or 5 years turn out to 6 or 7 years leading to more spending’s on the part of parents. 

    What of the social effects; some become influenced negatively to become social miscreants due to idleness created by strikes, some take to drugs, some ladies take to prostitution. 

   Some ladies become pregnant and mothers. This is how some ladies couldn’t continue their university education. We also have cases of boys becoming fathers along the line. We have cases of losing students on accident while going home or returning to schools during strikes. 

  What can replace the loss of dear souls to hopeful parents?

Can there be comprehensive knowledge acquisition by students due to various interruptions during learning process? Can we actually give a proper assessment to students who have been home for several months without learning anything?

Is the quality of education still guaranteed?

Can we comfortably say that we are producing quality graduates for the past forty years due to ASUU strikes to press for university needs from FG?

  ASUU is saying that the university education is underfunded by the FG. This is very true with the decay going on in terms of equipping the human resources; lecturers and non academic staffs and most importantly the structures and its contents to aid teaching and research.

How do we get out of this quagmire?

Education does not start from university it starts from primary to secondary before university level. 

What is the state of our public primary/secondary schools? NUT had gone on strikes several times for improvement, but is there any remarkable change? 

With the growing population, can public primary and secondary schools be sufficient for all the citizens?

   Between university education and primary/secondary school education, which one is more important to be affordable, accessible and compulsory for all citizens? 

We will all agree that the basic or fundamental levels of education require attention of all… Government, ASUU, NUT, NLC, NGOs, etc.  

However, it is pertinent to note that most of the elites including the ASUU, NUT have moved on facing realities on ground by taking their children to private primary and secondary schools.

Most teachers in public primary and secondary schools don’t have their children in public schools. 

READ ALSO: ASUU STRIKE; 7 Things You Can Do During ASUU Strike 

    Apart from the need for government to provide the necessary structures, the level of dedication to work by public teachers has diminished. Whereas, private teachers that earn less than most public teachers show more dedication and better output than their public counterparts and this is the reason why many of them send their children to private schools in the first instance.

The summary is that the insatiable minds is not only resident in people in government it cuts across all levels including our teachers and lecturers.

The Elites have all left fighting for Quality Education..

   The elites have all left fighting for quality education at primary and secondary schools because they have gotten alternatives for themselves. The public schools is being attended by children of the poor. This is where we all get it wrong. However, if the best quality basic education is acquired by students they can pick up life effectively at any level… university, polytechnic, colleges of education, technical schools, skill acquisition centers, ICT centers etc.

The mentality that every child must go to university is fundamentally wrong. 

A lot of our students go to university to obtain certificates without bothering on utilization of knowledge acquired relevant to course of study. 

Instead of producing quality graduates that will create jobs, we end up with job seekers with low efficiency.

  University education must attract best students in order to produce the best graduates who can solve societal problems. The quality of our products says a lot about training. ASUU members or products become Minister of education, policy makers and politicians whom we engage for better funding and who have refused to yield to our plights. It is a vicious circle without end result soon. 

  Saying strike is the only language the government understand is an obsolete statement.

    This is irrelevant to the government over the years. It is not on the priority lists of government. FG is giving approval to more private and public universities year in year out. The signal giving is that each university should find means to survive. Government has become irresponsible parents who continue to procreate without thinking of responsibilities attached. Should the born children continue to lament or be proactive in tackling their challenges?

Let’s face reality just as many have done with primary/secondary schools.

FNG Store: Downloading Educational Resources, Reading Material & MORE

The opportunity cost of spending 6 or 7 years in university or spending 3 or 4 years of normal duration with higher fees should be weighed. 

Let the university be autonomous financially but to be subsidized by government. Nigeria has gone beyond fully funded university education when the university was just 10 with free meal for students when the population was about 60 million.

    Now, with level of awareness  among the citizens, with population of above 200million, with 43 FG universities and 48 state government universities, thinking of fully funded university education at this stage of our lives is tantamount to mirage. 

    Parents should buckle up to pay more, grants, scholarships and loan should be encouraged to brilliant but indigent students. This is the reality we must face to move on.

Citing three Examples of Institutions running Uninterrupted Academic Calendar

I will cite three examples apart from private universities that are running uninterrupted academic calendar. Osun state university started with funds from each local government, today the university is operating smoothly without support from any arm of the government. The charges vary based on course of study. The average annual school fees is not more than what many of our elites pay per annum in average private secondary schools around.

   National Open University was established during Obasanjo, today it has the largest student population. No strike since inception and the payment is per unit course with flexibilities that make it attractive to many working class. Today, many young students constitute the majority.

   First Technical university Ibadan was established about 6 years ago running  smoothly without any itch since inception. The school fees is about half of what is obtainable in many private universities. One spectacular thing about the university is that it attracts best students from public schools. The law establishing the university made it mandatory for each local government to give full scholarship to at least 5 students in public schools(( *no private school involved* ) every session with the exam conducted by the university. During the last graduation ceremony, most of the first class honors are students on scholarship from public schools. 

ASUU should stop using the same style fighting the insensitive government and expect victory one day. The elites including ASUU must all go back to drawing board to fight the government to provide qualitative free and compulsory education at all levels in primary and secondary schools throughout the country. If we can’t ensure this, no need to keep on fighting at higher level…. University. Youruba will say that “O fi ete sile o wa npa lapalapa” … meaning “leaving leprosy to treat dandruff”. 

Which is more important?

Bankole K.T.

ASUU Strike and Federal Government: Does Government Understand STRIKE any Longer? (Featured)

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has recently embarked on another academic strike. If there's anything that is ever constant in the Academic Calendar of Nigerian Universities, it is ASUU Strike which usually occurs during clashes with the Federal Government over Funding and among other things.

     This is not only frustrating but had also been discouraging a lot of students from pursuing academics. If you are one of the students who have been affected by the Industrial Action taken by ASUU, here are some 7 Things we recommend you should do

what students can do during ASUU Strike


    During the school academic period; there is usually little to no time to further read due to because there's always one lecture or practical to do. Students can however use this period of ASUU Strike to further read and cover the topics they have missed in their class.

👉 Browse and Download READING MATERIALS for your Department Here


     However, Reading shouldn't be limited to your normal conventional books (i mean formal education books). Students are advised to read books outside their academic field such as Self-Help or Business Books (for entrepreneur mind).

     In our next article on FutaNewsandGist; we will be sharing some books you should read during the Holiday (books outside academic). You can like our Facebook Page or subscribe via the box at the end of this article to know when the post is out.

2. LEARN New Skills

  If you want to stand out and survive in today's world, you'll need to have a skill. However, if you haven't; it is never too later to start learning one. You can try to learn Google Digital Skills if you want to know more about gaining a social presence to boost your business sales and social media marketing.
    And for those who have an interest in learning programming language; whether it is to build a Mobile App, to build a Software, to Build a Website or to learn about Artificial Intelligence + Data Science; you can start learning one.

Beginners' Guide: Programming Languages, What They Are and How To Start Learning Them


3. Implement What You've Already Learnt

  Sometimes it is not the fact that we haven't learned enough but that we haven't implemented what we have already learned. If you already have skills or knowledge of any kind, perhaps this is your chance to put it into action.

    For instance; if you are a mobile programmer, you can use this period to work on your prototype and code your android or iOS app. If you are also an entrepreneur with offline skills, you can use this period to create/build your products and let people know about them.

    Students from some departments can also form a group to build a solution using the knowledge they have been learning in the past times.

100L - 500L FUTA First Semester Courses You Should Watch Out For


4. Volunteer to Participate in Causes

  Most Non-Profit Governmental Organizations often participate in humanity cause to help uplift people and make them feel better. You can also look around your environment and participate in some NGOs causes.

     However, if you can't find one; you can also create one as long as it is for making the community a better place. It could be as helping the older people, keeping the community clean, teaching people what you know and etc.

MSSN FUTA To Hold an Educative Program For Muslim Females on Campus

5. Travel

    Travelling not only help us learn more about other cultures and tribes but also we get to explore some wonderful places on earth. You can decide to travel for recreational purposes, for research purposes or for visitation purposes.

    Recreational Travel can be such as traveling to the Idanre Hill in Ondo State - or maybe some other places. Whether you choose a City or Village as your place of recreational Travel, it all boils down to your taste.

   Research Purposes can be in the case of a Student studying Ecotourism and Wildlife Management (EWM); you can decide to travel to another place for adventure to discover more exciting wild animals and their lifestyle.

While Travel for Visitation Purposes could be Travelling to visit your loved ones and spend time with them. Since Human beings are social animals, the closer we are to our loved ones, the better we feel.

6. Learn a New Language

  In a previous article we wrote on After the End of a Semester, Now What? || We talked about how Students can maximize the end of a semester break to do new things and one of those things is to learn a new language.

   Also during this ASUU Strike, you can pick up a new language and decide to learn it. Learning a Language has a lot of benefits which include access to more opportunities and increasing your IQ.

READ ALSO: 3 Lifetime Benefits of Learning a New Language


Finally at the end of this article; we will not forget to mention that REST is also more important. When preparing for a new semester; it is highly recommended Students should watch out for their Health and if they notice something is about to go wrong somewhere, they should quickly take action.

   Sometimes we focus too much on work so much that we neglect our health and this could take a big toll on us. During this ASUU Strike; you can use it to REST and take a break for all the stressful activities you have been going since school had resumed.

[ASUU Strike] - 7 Things You Can Do To Maximize Your Time During ASUU Strike

Many of us are familiar with solving equations that are power of 2 but how do you solve a cubic equation by Factoring (without breaking a sweat)? Continue reading 

How to solve a cubic equation by Factoring - FutaNewsandGist Math Guide

I stumbled upon a video on YouTube which explains how to solve a cubic equation (Super Simple) and thought of sharing it with you. 

Watch the video below 👇 

(Video) - How To Solve a cubic equation by Factoring in Less than a Minute

Video credit : PreMath on YT

How To Easily Solve Cubic Equations by Factoring (Math Video Solutions)

A TEDx event is a local gathering where live TED-like talks and performances are shared with the community. TEDxFUTA is a program you'll have the chance to meet brilliant speakers and have mind-blowing conversation



TEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading.” TEDx brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe through TEDx events. 
    These events are organized by passionate individuals who seek to uncover new ideas and to share the latest research in their local areas that spark conversations in their communities. 
TEDx events include live speakers and recorded TED Talks, and are organized independently under a free license granted by TED. 

    These events are not controlled by TED, but event organizers agree to abide by our format, and are offered guidelines for curation, speaker coaching, event organizing and more. They learn from us and from each other. More than 3000 events are now held annually.

  For more information about TEDxFUTA,

Visit the official website at www.tedxfuta.com
Follow on Instagram : @tedxfutaofficial1

Meet some of the speakers 

Get your ticket at: TEDxFUTA.com

Find more opportunities like this here on FutaNewsandGist

TEDxFUTA : TEDx is Coming to FUTA (What NEXT)

This is to inform the public that The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) invites all eligible candidates for a Computer-Based Pre-Admission Screening Exercise which is scheduled to hold from Wednesday, 26th to Friday, 28th January, 2022 at the University campus. 

   More information about the pre-admission screening exercise as well as deadline can be found below;

school admission latest news - FUTA


1. Candidates who made the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) their Institution of choice and scored a minimum of 180 marks in the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), which was conducted by the Joint Admissions Matriculation Board (JAMB).

2. Direct Entry candidates are also eligible and required to sit for the Pre-Admission Screening Exercise.



Candidates are required to:

1. check the University website (www.futa.edu.ng) for mode of payment for application;

2. download, complete and submit the University Post-UTME Application Form online; 

3. and print out a copy.



All candidates are to come along with the items listed below to the screening venue:

1. JAMB UTME Notification of Results/Registration Slips for Direct Entry candidates.

2. Printed copy of the completed FUTA Post-UTME Online Registration Form.

3. Evidence of payment via REMITA.


The Application/Registration Form will be available online between Monday, 10th and 24th January, 2022.

  For more information, kindly visit the University website - www.futa.edu.ng or call 08126049786.

COMING TO FUTA EP 2: Likely Obstacles and how to Overcome theme 

NOTE: Any UTME/Direct Entry Candidate who fails to present himself/herself for the Computer-Based Screening Exercise will NOT be considered for admission by the University. 

  *. Candidates are also expected to observe all COVID-19 protocols which will strictly be maintained and  enforced at the venue.

Mr R. A. Arifalo

Coming to FUTA EP 3: How To Make Use of Opportunities. || Download eBook

➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ 



 Access Bank and Udacity are awarding 2,000 scholarships in 2021-2022! Apply if you want to enhance your future career or skill set in today’s most sought-after, in demand tech skills.

Access Bank Udacity Advance Africa Scholarship Programme

How It Works

Udacity is collaborating with Access Bank, a multinational commercial bank, to empower people in Africa who are interested in learning tech-forward skills to kick-start careers in the banking industry in 2021-2022.

   The program will provide hands-on learning opportunities in fields such as Business Analytics, Programming, Data Science, Product Management, and Digital Marketing. Scholarship recipients will complete a portfolio of real-world projects that demonstrate mastery of highly sought-after tech skills.

Scholarship timeline:

Cohort 2 applications for the Advance Africa Scholarship Program are currently open and below are the Scholarship!

Applications Accepted: December 1, 2021 - December 29, 2021

Challenge Winners Announced: January 7, 2022

Challenge Course: January 11, 2022 - February 16, 2022

Scholarship Winners Announced: February 25, 2022

Scholarship: March 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022

How To Apply for the Access Bank Advance Africa Udacity Scholarship Programme

  To begin the application, CLICK HERE

Access Bank Udacity Advance Africa Scholarship Programmme 2021-2022 Now OPEN

Download MTS 300 Level Reading Materials (First Semester) with focus on mathematics books pdf free download. 

mathematics book pdf free download

Download FUTA 300 Level Mathematics Reading Materials (First Semester) pdf

FutaNewsandGist is the No 1 community Education website to discover important news as well as download reading materials. To download FUTA 300 level reading materials, kindly check from the list below

Looking for other reading materials, SEARCH HERE 

Download MTS 300 Level Reading Materials [First Semester]

 Federal University of Technology, Akure, FUTA 32nd Convocation and 4oth Anniversary Ceremonies program of events. FUTA convocation ceremonies will hold between Friday 19th and Saturday 27th November 2021.

FUTA 32nd Convocation

FUTA 32nd Convocation & 40th Anniversary Ceremonies Programmes of Events

FUTA 32nd Convocation & 4oth Anniversary Programmes of Events

FUTA 32nd Convocation & 40th Anniversary Ceremonies Programmes of Events

Best Android App for Students

   Being a Student comes with a lot of responsibility - as you would have to learn how to juggle between catching up with lectures, revising your notes, making further research on certain things,  (sometimes staying up late at night), and all of other academic + non-academic activities.

  However, some of these tasks can be automated to help you save Stress and lots of time.

In this article, you'll discover 13 Best Android Apps to Help you Save both your Time and, Reduce Stress. It should be noted that these apps have also been segmented in their various categories, so you can easily pick your choice. 

   Now, Without wasting much of our time, Let's get started :) 

Education Apps for Students

1. YouTube

Youtube image

   If there's any top #5 places in the world where you can find tonnes of educational videos, you'd definitely find YouTube on the list.
    YouTube is an American video sharing social media platform and often comes pre-installed with Android mobile phone.

  However, if you can't find YouTube App on your device, you can easily download one from Google Play Store.

SUBSCRIBE: FutaNewsandGist YouTube Channel

2. CalCES (Free Scientific Calculator Android App)

    CalCES is a freemium Scientific calculator Android App for students and engineering student. It provides powerful functions in a real scientific calculator 991 300 thus making the app become the most useful calculator for university and school.

3. Office Mobile Android App

    This App can be likened to the Android App version of the popular Microsoft Office, we all are used with on PC. 

  The Office Mobile brings you Word, Excel, and PowerPoint all in ONE APP and you can take advantage of a seamless experience with Microsoft tools on the go with this Office app

4. WPS Office Android App

    WPS Office perform the same function with Office mobile and is popular in usage among students. 

  However, the main reason why FutaNewsandGist recommended Office Mobile was because we tested a particular document which didn't work on WPS but work with Office Mobile (#3) . 

5. Adobe PDF 

  The truth is ; Majority of the documents and reading materials you are likely to come across in school are going to be in PDF Format.

    For instance; if you browse the FutaNewsandGist reading materials section; as at the time of compiling this article, you'll find about 80 percent of the reading materials in PDF Format.

    While there are other apps that allows you to work with a Pdf document, FutaNewsandGist recommend you go with the Adobe Pdf. 

6. English Mini

    Instead of having to go online to lookup the meaning of a difficult word or learning pronunciation, the "English Mini Dictionary" can be your handy tool for that. 

Productivity Study Apps for Students

7. Google Drive 

As time passes by during your time in the school whether you're in the (First semester 100L - 500L) or, (100L - 500L Second Semester) , you'd begin to accumulate lots of reading materials and sometimes, you'd have to refer back to a previous reading material.

    If you want to save the storage space of your mobile device, or you are looking for an online storage, you can take the advantage of the FREE 15GB provided by Google Drive App.

8. Alarm

    This is one of the most underestimated tool of our time that can help you get a lot of things done. 

    An Alarm App does not only help in waking you up and, but can also help you in managing your task by setting intervals for activities. 

  For instance ; You can use the Android App mentioned in #9 App to write the list of your tasks, and then use an Alarm #8 to keep a reminder of the tasks .

9. Google Keep Notes App

    With Google Keep Notes, you can easily Capture what’s on your mind by Adding notes, lists and photos to remind yourself of latter tasks. 

    Additional benefits of this App is the ability to Share ideas with friends and family by plan as you can share your Keep notes with others and collaborating on them in real time.

10. Xender Transfer App

    Xender can be regarded as the best sharing android app of all time which fulfill all of your transfer needs. You can use it to Transfer All type of files (App, Audi, pdf, word, excel, zip, Folder, etc) in any places, and at any time - without mobile data usage.

Lecture Capture App

11. Camscanner

    If you're looking for a free scanner app, CamScanner will turn your device into a powerful portable scanner that recognizes text automatically (OCR), and help you become more productive in school.

    This free scanner app will instantly scan, save, and share any document/reading material in PDF, JPG , Word or TXT formats.

Video Call Apps

12. Zoom

    Zoom is a video conferencing software developed by Zoom Video Communications, Inc a company which has its headquarters in San Jose. In the era of social distancing and, during the COVID-19 school break, Zoom had helped a lot of tutors and students to stay in touch.

    You can read about how to use Zoom Video Conferencing App (on All Devices) here.

What App are you using to manage your time? Feel free to share with us via the comment box below 

13. Google Meet

    Google Meet is also a video conferencing software that works like Zoom (but from Google LLC). It allows you to securely connect, collaborate, and celebrate from anywhere in the world.

    Kindly note that with Google Meet, you can join high-quality video meetings for groups of up to 250 people. You can download Google Meet App here

13 Best Education Apps For Students (To Save Stress and Time)

Earlier on FutaNewsandGist, we shared about 100L - 500L Second Semester Course that you must watch out for. If you missed the article, you can read it here.

  On this article ; we'll be taking a look at the First Semester Courses That Which You Should Look Out for - from 100level to 50level

FUTA courses - futanewsandgist.com

FUTA 100L - 500L First Semester Courses All FUTArians Must Watch Out For

100 level First Semester - MEE 101 Practical Drawing

    As a fresher; one of the course you should (i mean MUST) watch out for is the MEE 101 Technical drawing course. This course is your first step to undergo FUTA stress and the funny thing about it is - almost all students irregardless of departments will take this course.

      There is the hassle of taking MEE board and materials up and down, the hassle of trying to fit in your paper on the board, the hassle of trying to catch up what the lecturer is illustrating on the board and etc.

Download MEE 101 Practise and Past Questions

200 Level First Semester- GNS 201  

GNS 201 is a 200 level FUTA First Semester courses that which might seems simple but yet can be easily carried over. It is a course that discuss about politics, community, ethics as well as the society we live in.

       One thing to NOTE about this course is that you must ENSURE to attend all Classes. Reading Materials are rare and it is also one of the course you'll surely get to enjoy.

 Is GNS 201 PDF Available to Read

300 Level First Semester - EMT 301  (Theory)

   Entrepreneurship is a course that teaches students skills to help them empower themselves that which they can use to earn for themselves in the nearest future. In this first semester; EMT 301 is like an introduction which help you get familiarized with entrepreneurship.

   Then in second semester; you would get to engage in the practical aspect of entrepreneurship.

Photos Speak: 300 Level Entrepreneurship Skills and Products Exhibition

400 Level First Semester - Preparation for IT

Although Industrial Training (known as IT) is done in 2nd Semester just like Entrepreneurship (EMT Practical Skills) is done in second Semester, However you should try to prepare for the placement before the end of 1st Semester. 

   This will make it easier for you to easily resume at your choice of IT Place in due time. 

How To Find I.T Placement in Nigeria (Video + eBook Guide)

500 Level - Final Year Project

  During 500 Level First Semester; you'll be introduced to your final year project - this includes what your project is going to be all about as well as how to go about it.
    It is highly advisable that you begin working on your project as soon as possible so as to avoid unnecessary hassle at end-point time.

READ ALSO: 6 Best and Interesting Ways To Properly Prepare For New Semester

100L - 500L First Semester FUTA Courses You Must Watch Out For

We are pleased to announce the integration of FutaNewsandGist Online Store to our website - in order to provide online learning resources for students. In the future, we would be adding products and more services to the platform.

futanewsandgist store - online learning resources for students

About FNG Store

This is the official store for FutaNewsandGist - No 1 Top Community Education Website whereby you would have access to ;

  • Download online learning resources
  • Request for reading materials
  • Read Online our Past Archives
  • Premium Educational Materials
  • Educative Products
  • And lots more

Quick Update: Introducing FutaNewsandGist STORE

 NNPC/Total Energies National Merit Scholarship calls for Application 2021/2022. 

Undergraduate scholarship

This application is open for 100 and 200 LEVEL Students ONLY.

How to Apply 

To apply, visit : https://scholarships.totalenergiescsr.edu/

Scholarship deadline 

Application opens : October, 27 2021

Application closes : November 20, 2021. 

More details 

For more information, please refer to the flyer below 

NNPC/Total Energies National Merit Scholarship 2021/2022

As today mark arrival of all FUTA Students into the University premises according to the approved Academic Calendar Session for 2020/2021 published here, here are list of 10 Things we think you can start doing NOW upon resumption.

    While some points mentioned in this list are something you are already aware of, we guarantee there are definitely some you might not have heard or been aware of.

school resumption

10 Things You Can Start Doing Right Now After Resumption

1. Payment of School fees

 Although this might sounds a bit weird but a little reminder won't hurt, right?
Normal registration as it stands ends on the 14th of November, 2021. If you haven't paid the school fees yet but already have the means, you might want to do now instead of waiting until the last minute. 

2. Accomodation

 Whether you are settling down inside the University premises or outside the Campus, you might want to start preparing to start making arrangements for that - most especially in terms of luggages.

3. Course Registration

 You would only be able to proceed todo this after you must have made payment for your school fees. You should also do not hesitate to ask questions incase you notice something odd in your course forms.

4. 10 Places in FUTA You Should Know

 We once compiled a list of 10 places inside the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) that you should know, if you haven't check that, you might want to do that here.

5.  Faculties and Departmental Dues

 While Staylites would by now already familiar with their respective faculties and departmenatal dues, FRESHERS should consult and make enquiries as regards matters related to their faculties.

6. Reading Materials

 Even though lectures would commence in the next two weeks from the time of publishing this article, getting your reading materials by now would NOT do you any harm - most especially if you are a FRESHER.

7. Join our Whatsapp Closed Group

 If you are looking for a closed community of FUTA Students (Aspirants, Undergraduates and Graduates), you are welcome to join the FutaNewsandGist Whatsapp Closed Group.

8. Opportunities

 You can browse the FutaNewsandGist Opportunities section to discover some of the opportunities we have posted so far. This will give you an insights to prepare for some of the opportunities that occurs during first semester of an Academic Session.

9. Take care of yourself: 

With School resumption comes with a lot of demanding responsibilities - most especially in Academic. The earlier you start taking care of yourself before the major work creeps in, the better

10. Add yours to the List:

 Is there something we forgot to mention in this list? You can add yours in the comment box below, send it to our email or let us know on whatsapp. (and if we like it, we might update this article with yours)

School Resumption: 10 Things You Can NOW Do After School Resumption